Page 15 - Marlborough Chamber Voice Magazine Summer 2022
P. 15

S P O N S O R E D   F E A T U R E


      Entrepreneurial Women with Purpose was recently selected
      to be a part of the GovTech Accelerator hosted by CreativeHQ,
      for a project Girls who Grow which is all about enabling the
      next generation of female leaders in agriculture to create
      climate positive environments by weaving indigenous
      knowledge with innovation and technology.

      There have been so many incredible learnings
      through this process and the opportunity to be in
      the learning environment of an accelerator but
      the thing that I have loved the most is having a
      much younger team working with me in the
      development of the project, that I have been
      learning so much from.

      One of our team, Aimee Blake who is at Lincoln           It was while reading this book, alongside many
      University doing her second Masters at age 23,           conversations in our community with council,
      shared a book with me "From what is, to what if"         associations, investors, future thinkers, iwi,
      by environmental author and activist Rob                 young people and our local business
      Hopkins. I added it to my wishlist on Audible, and       community that the idea for Climate Action
      finally after a few weeks, found time to listen to it.   Week Marlborough was born.

      I hit play on a recent drive to town, and                Stealing the name, from our community across
      immediately wanted to pull over to get my                the hill in Nelson, Climate Action Week
      notepad and pen out as there were so many great          Marlborough is in the calendar for Monday 13th
      pearls of wisdom and my imagination being                February to Friday 17th February 2023 where we
      sparked. But as you would know, something that's         will host a Garden Marlborough Style event
      not very conducive on State Highway 1.                   taking our business community out and about
                                                               to immerse themselves into other local
      So I read it a second time, with a notepad and           businesses who are actively pursuing
      pen once I had really gotten a grasp of the              regenerative and green practices to create a
      concepts he was sharing.                                 positive impact. With Yealands Estate Winery,
                                                               Elemental Distillery, Sanford, Dog Point and
      The thinking began with....                              One forty one Kaituna Sawmill our launch host
      What if we as a community could come together            organisations. Businesses will be able to come
      and create a collective imagination of what was          along, meet the people behind the org,
      possible for the future, one where everything            immerse into an interactive learning experience
      worked out ok. One where all of our community            and understand the work that they have been
      thrived, our children felt safe, loved and full, one     doing to being citizens shaping the future in a
      where there was healthy food in abundance that           clean, green and prosperous environment.
      all could afford, one where the environment was
      luscious and abundant, one where we could hear           The overall objectives of Climate Action Week
      the morning bird song along our urban pathways.          Marlborough are about creating a low carbon
                                                               emissions economy within a highly productive
      What if we as a community of Marlborough could           and thriving community, something that
      come together with collective imagination to get         certainly aligns to the communities future
      creative in repainting Marlborough's and New             vision.
      Zealand's future, where we could ensure we were
      on the global map for much more than just wine!          Tickets are on sale now via Humanitix.
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