Page 16 - Marlborough Chamber Voice Magazine Summer 2022
P. 16

Q U A R T E R L Y   E C O N O M I C S


      Infometrics Quarterly Economic Monitor - September 2022

      The Marlborough economy continues to grow                The latest Estimated Resident Population data
      but at a slower pace than the rest of the                from Statistics New Zealand shows that
      country. Infometrics provisionally estimates that        Marlborough’s population expanded by 0.6% in
      Marlborough’s GDP grew by 1% over the year to            the year to June 2022 compared with growth in
      September 2022. The national economy grew                the national population of 0.2%. Like many
      by 2.6% over the same period.                            regions in New Zealand, Marlborough
                                                               experienced a decline in young working aged
      The Marlborough economy faces significant                people. The number of people aged 20-35
      constraints. The lack of international tourists          declined by 1.9% over the year, while the
      and the fall off in domestic tourism since the           working age population increased by only 0.3%.
      spike in the first year of the pandemic means            Labour and skill shortages have constrained
      that tourism expenditure is down 5.3% over the           employment growth in Marlborough to 1.7%
      year to September 2022. Guest nights are down            over the year to September 2022, compared
      12.1% compared with a 6% decline in the                  with 3.1% in the national economy. The
      national economy.                                        industries making the largest contribution to
                                                               local employment growth were retail trade and
      A decline in tourist spending has contributed to         professional, scientific and technical services.
      a relatively low rise in total consumer spending         Tightness of the labour market is reflected in
      of 4.3% over the year to September 2022. This            the very low unemployment rate of 2.5%. The
      rate is significantly lower than the rate of             number of Jobseeker Support recipients has
      inflation (7.2%) meaning that expenditure in             dropped to 1,200 in the September 2022
      real terms has declined.                                 quarter from a peak of nearly 1,500 in
                                                               September 2020.

                                                                                       GDP in Marlborough District
                                                                                       was provisionally up 1% for
                                                                                       the year to September 2022,
                                                                                       compared to a year earlier.
                                                                                       Growth was the same as in
                                                                                       Marlborough Region (1.0%)
                                                                                       and was lower than in New
                                                                                       Zealand (2.6%).
                                                                                       Provisional GDP was $3,573
                                                                                       million in Marlborough
                                                                                       District for the year to
                                                                                       September 2022 (2021 prices).
                                                                                       Annual GDP growth in
                                                                                       Marlborough District peaked
                                                                                       at 7% in the year to
                                                                                       December 2021.

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