Page 2 - Marlborough Chamber Voice Magazine Summer 2022
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W E L C O M E   T O   V O I C E

      CONTENTS                                         WELCOME TO THE SUMMER

                                                                2022 VOICE MAGAZINE
      Welcome from Pete Coldwell,
      General Manager
                                       01               Until recently, environmental sustainability
                                                        seemed to be an option for a business - just for
      Chamber Opening Hours
                                       02               the businesses who were especially interested in
      Environmental, Social, and                        it or could afford to do it. But that’s no longer the
      Governance (ESG)                 03               case, it’s simply something that every single
                                                        business needs to consider and to get to grips
      Business Excellence Awards                        with. Just take the recent news from Tesco who
                                                        look to become net zero across its whole supply
      Sustainable Business
                                       12               chain by 2050 (that includes NZ suppliers).
      Climate Action Week
                                       13               As a Chamber we want to help with the process
     Infometrics                                        and support our members as much as we can.
     Empower Festival Highlights                        We’re getting a growing number of businesses
                                       16               who specialise in supporting the move to
     Training & Events Coming Up                        increased sustainability.
     at the Chamber
     Welcome Onboard - New                              We’ll be doing as much as we can to highlight
     Chamber Members                                    the requirements as they come along and help
                                       20               with getting the right advice and specialists to
     Skill Attraction Campaign '23                      help businesses to work on their sustainability

                                                        Sustainability can make a business more efficient
     Marlborough Chamber of Commerce                    and less costly to run and environmentally
     Level 1, 6-8 Scott Street                          sustainable businesses also tend to achieve a                          better bottom line, as well as preparing for the
                                                        legislation which is coming down the line. The
     Editorial and Advertising                          Chamber will aim to help businesses embed
     E:                       Environmental Social and Governance into their
     T: 03 577 9575                                     business practices.

                                                        At our Business Excellence Awards we had a
                                                        Sustainability Award this year for the first time.
                                                        We look forward to sharing insights from the
                                                        winner with you next year.

                                                        Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a
                                                        relaxing summer break.


                             Pete Coldwell

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