Page 4 - Marlborough Chamber Voice Magazine Summer 2022
P. 4

C H A M B E R   F O C U S   F O R   2 0 2 2



      As part of our strategy, we're working hard to        Environmental
      promote ways to grow our local economy whilst         Environmental criteria may include corporate
      protecting our environment.                           climate policies, energy use, waste, pollution,
                                                            natural resource conservation, and treatment of
      Growing profit margins and returns on                 animals. The criteria can also help evaluate any
      investments does not have to mean increasing          environmental risks a company might face and
      our carbon footprints. Finding more sustainable       how the company is managing those risks.
      and environmentally friendly ways to do
      business can actually be more beneficial to the       Considerations may include direct and indirect
      bottom line and help you to attract investment.       greenhouse gas emissions, management of toxic
                                                            waste, and compliance with environmental
      With this in mind, we're looking into ways to         regulations.
      help our members to incorporate
      Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)           Social
      across their business - helping to grow through       Social criteria look at the company’s relationships
      investments whilst looking after our people and       with stakeholders. Does it hold suppliers to its
      our plant.                                            own ESG standards? Does the company donate a
                                                            percentage of its profits to the local community
      ESG refers to the three key factors when              or encourage employees to perform volunteer
      measuring the sustainability and ethical impact       work there? Do workplace conditions reflect high
      of an investment in a business or company.            regard for employees’ health and safety? Or does
      Most socially responsible investors check             the company take unethical advantage of its
      companies out using ESG criteria to screen            customers?
      What are Environmental, Social, and                   ESG governance standards ensure a company
      Governance (ESG) Criteria?                            uses accurate and transparent accounting
      ESG criteria are a set of standards for a             methods, pursues integrity and diversity in
      company’s behaviour used by socially conscious        selecting its leadership, and is accountable to
      investors to screen potential investments.            shareholders. ESG investors may require
      Environmental criteria consider how a company         assurances that companies avoid conflicts of
      safeguards the environment, including                 interest in their choice of board members and
      corporate policies addressing climate change,         senior executives, don't use political contributions
      for example. Social criteria examine how it           to obtain preferential treatment, or engage in
      manages relationships with employees,                 illegal conduct.
      suppliers, customers, and the communities
      where it operates. Governance deals with a  
      company’s leadership, executive pay, audits,          started/business-planning-tools-and-tips/how-to-
      internal controls, and shareholder rights.            be-environmentally-sustainable/

      ESG investors seek to ensure the companies
      they fund are responsible stewards of the
      environment, good corporate citizens and are
      led by accountable managers.

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