Page 14 - Marlborough Chamber of Commerce Voice Magazine Spring 2023
P. 14

M A R L B O R O U G H   B U S I N E S S   E X C E L L E N C E   A W A R D   C A T E G O R I E S

                                                    Manufacturing &                                Professional
       New & Emerging          Primary Sector                             Consumer Service
                                                      Construction                                    Service

      This is a business that Industry that extracts  Industries that    Industries that       Industries that
      has started trading   raw material from the  manufacture,          provide a service to  provide professional
      within the last 3 years ground/ ground      assemble and process individuals and other services to individuals
      and demonstrates      surface or the sea –  the raw materials      businesses/ industries and other businesses/
      business excellence.  Forestry, Farming,    into usable goods –    – Transport, Tourism,  industries – Legal,
      The criteria has less  Fishing and          Winemaking,            Hospitality, Retail   Finance, Advisory,
      emphasis on           demonstrates          Construction, Trades   with outstanding      Engineering with
      financials.           business excellence.  with outstanding       products or services.  outstanding products
                                                  products or services.                        or services.

                       All entries into the above Sector categories will automatically be entered into the BDO Supreme
                       Business Award. This is an overall winner that scores highly in all aspects of the judging criteria
                       and has an x-factor that inspires the Marlborough business community.

         Community              Workplace              Innovation           Sustainability            Youth
            Impact               Wellbeing                                                          Employer

     This award recognises Recognising            This award is for a    Awarded to the        Open to any
     a programme, project, enterprises that have  business that          Marlborough           organisation that pro-
     campaign or an        created successful     demonstrates           business which        actively champions
     overall business that  initiatives designed to innovative thinking  best epitomises       young people in the
     has had, or continues embed a culture of     and responds to        an overall            workforce, through
     to have, a positive   wellness in their      change. This could be commitment to          their commitment to
     impact on the         organisation – values  an innovative or       sustainable           recruiting, training
     Marlborough           and ethics, teamwork, inventive approach to development.            and retaining young
     community in a way    work environment       people, services,                            people in the
     that inspires others  and recognition.       products, processes or                       workplace.
     and makes a                                  business model.

      Entrants for Business Person and Young Business Person of the Year will be accepted by way of
      online nomination on the Chamber’s website, with voting of finalists open to the Marlborough
      community which will be 50% community voting weighted and 50% judging panel weighted.

                             Business Personality of the Year
                             This award celebrates an extraordinary business person who exhibits qualities that
                             inspire our business community.

                             Young Business Personality of the Year
                             This person must be aged 35 and under. This award celebrates an extraordinary
                             young business person who exhibits qualities that inspire our business community.

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