Page 16 - Marlborough Chamber of Commerce Voice Magazine Spring 2023
P. 16

Q U A R T E R L Y   E C O N O M I C S


      Infometrics Quarterly Economic Monitor - June 2023

      The Marlborough economy is showing plenty of          Much of the heat has come out of the
      resilience in the face of economic headwinds. A       Marlborough housing market, although the falls
      strong recovery in tourism has bolstered the          in average house values have been smaller than
      local economy, which Infometrics provisionally        in many parts of the country. The average
      estimates to have grown by 2.5% over the year         Marlborough house value dipped to $684,000 in
      to June 2023. By comparison, national GDP             the June 2023 quarter, down 9% from its peak of
      grew by 3.1%.                                         $753,000 in March 2022. The silver lining to
                                                            falling house prices is that housing affordability
      The return of international tourists to New           has continued to improve. After reaching its least
      Zealand has helped tourism expenditure                affordable position in March 2022, housing
      increase by 16.5% over the year to June 2023          affordability is back to a level last seen in
      and guest nights by 32.5%. Strong tourism             December 2020.
      expenditure has helped overall consumer
      spending increase by 10.4% over the year.             Despite the moderate decline in house values,
                                                            residential consents are still at a high level. There
      Economic growth in Marlborough extends                were 68 new residential consents in the June
      beyond the tourism sector with the food and           2023 quarter, above the 10-year average of 63. The
      beverage sector, transport and healthcare also        non-residential construction sector will be busy
      showing healthy growth.                               with the value of non-residential consents at a
                                                            level 50% higher than the 10-year average,
      Marlborough’s labour market is still strong           buoyed by the iReX Interislander terminal project.
      with employment growing by 2.1% over the year
      to June 2023.  Job
      growth was
      widespread across the
      economy but strongest
      in manufacturing,
      especially wine making
      and seafood processing.

      The number of
      Jobseeker Support
      recipients ticked
      up slightly in June
      2023 quarter to 1,149
      from 1,089 in the
      previous quarter.
      The average
      rate in the year to
      June 2023 was sitting
      at a very low of 2.5%.

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