Page 13 - Marlborough Chamber of Commece Annual Report 2022
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Marlborough Chamber of Commerce
The Marlborough Chamber of
Commerce education to employment
program has had a successful year,
achieving a number of notable
milestones and accomplishments.
One of the highlights of 2022 has been
brokering a memorandum of understanding
(MOU) with Kainga Ora to build social housing
at Queen Charlotte College. The MOU has
paved the way for the development of a
construction academy, where students will
have the opportunity to gain practical
experience in construction by building two
houses per year. The establishment of the
academy demonstrates the commitment of the
Marlborough Chamber of Commerce and local
businesses to providing young people with the
skills and opportunities they need to succeed in
the workforce. In addition, this partnership will
help address the need for affordable housing in
the Marlborough community. A positive
development for both the students and the
Marlborough Boys College is entering into a
similar agreement with Kainga Ora and aim to
commence construction of the house mid-way
through 2023. The College Technology
Department has been without a full time HOF
for three years and they have been struggling
to deliver the base curriculum; needing to use a
combination of semi-retired staff and
supporting untrained teachers to learn on the
job with a limited authority to teach (LAT). They
are currently grappling with unstaffed classes
for woodwork for 2023. This is not sustainable
or acceptable in a province facing a
construction labour deficit of 1800 people, and
is a concerning scenario from every measure:
economic, social, and educational.
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