Page 8 - Marlborough Chamber of Commece Annual Report 2022
P. 8

Marlborough Chamber of Commerce



                                                                 In 2022, the Chamber continued to support
                                                                 local business through hosting the Regional
                   12+        local providers                    Business Partners (RBP) programme in

                  80+         businesses supported               Regional Business Partners is a national
                                                                 programme administered by MBIE, the
                                                                 Ministry of Business Innovation and
                 $120k        capability funding                 Employment. The programme provides
                                                                 advice and financial support to local
                                                                 businesses, for management capability
                                                                 development activities. It is delivered in
               During 2022, the RBP programme provided           Marlborough by a regional Business
               advice and/or financial support to more than      Development Advisor, based in the Chamber.
               80 local companies and organisations. Total
               financial support for management capability
               development activities amounted to more than
               $120,000 over the course of the year. The bulk
               of this this funding was spent with
               Marlborough-based service providers, meaning
               that these funds remained in the local
               community, rather than being diverted outside
               the region.
               The Chamber has collaborated with RBP
               service providers, both locally and
               countrywide, to identify and develop relevant
               management capability development courses,
               that have been hosted at the Chamber
               throughout the year. These courses have
               included Prince2 project management
               qualifications and various programmes aimed
               at both business owners and emerging leaders.
               In addition, the RBP programme has
               established partnerships with local experts in
               areas such as finance, marketing, company
               strategy and operational management, to
               provide individual management capability
               advice and coaching for local businesses.

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