Page 13 - ECLAT 2023-2024
P. 13

Once upon a time, there was a girl born into a native and impoverished family. Despite

            her  humble  beginnings,  she  harbored  ambitious  dreams  that  seemed  unattainable.  The

            family's financial struggles were so dire that even selling balloons couldn't provide enough

            to survive. Undeterred, she toiled every day, selling multiple balloons along the roadside.

            Although people witnessed her efforts, they chose to ignore or misinterpret her situation.

                        She faced constant hardships in her quest for sustenance. Despite her circumstances,

            she  had  an  insatiable  love  for  learning  and  sought  education  through  unconventional

            means. Unable to afford formal schooling, she found solace in an uncle who treated her like

            his own child. This uncle, unable to provide monetary support, allowed her to work part-

            time and care for his store in exchange for access to books.

                       One day, she ventured into society to collect scraps. While others laughed at her, she

            held her head high, refusing to be shamed. With collected scraps in hand, she encountered

            children  playing.  In  a  heartwarming  gesture,  she  shared  chocolates  with  them.  However,

            nearby  onlookers,  blinded  by  societal  biases,  accused  her  of  malicious  intent  and

            mistreating the children due to her impoverished status.

                      In the midst of the chaos, an elderly man approached, seeking clarification. The girl

            explained  that  her  actions  stemmed  from  a  genuine  love  for  children  and  a  belief  in  the

            power  of  education  to  uplift  lives.  She  highlighted  the  societal  decay,  emphasizing  that

            education should encompass moral values and empathy, not just degrees.

                      Frustrated by the constant judgment and prejudice, she decided to challenge the

            status quo. Moving from home to home, she faced discrimination everywhere. Despite the

            adversity, she remained dedicated to her family and continued her self-directed education.

                              In  a  society  that  claimed  equality,  the  reality  was  starkly  different.  Rural  areas

            struggled  to  access  education  compared  to  their  urban  counterparts.  People  failed  to

            recognize the importance of skills, enthusiasm, and mutual respect beyond formal degrees.

            The girl realized that societal acceptance needed a fundamental shift.

                      Her story serves as a powerful reminder that true education extends beyond books

            and degrees; it lies in fostering values, empathy, and a genuine understanding of others. The

            journey  towards  a  more  inclusive  and  accepting  society  begins  with  acknowledging  the

            worth of every individual, regardless of their background.

                     May her resilience inspire us all to strive for positive change in our society. Happy

            learning, and all the best in your endeavors!

                                                                                                                                                                            Written by:

                                                                                                                                                                       Wathore Sumit

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