Page 16 - ECLAT 2023-2024
P. 16

A Tale of Love

         "I heard there was a very old tree, isn't it?" The old parrot on the oak tree always hears these words from the

         mouths  of  people  passing  by.  They  are  not  wrong;  there  was  a  tree.  And  the  parrot  looked  towards  the

         remaining stump, now in a different direction, repeating to himself, “There was a tree”.

         He recalls how its branches were spread out in the blue sky. When flowers bloomed on it, birds from far and

         wide came to enjoy their fragrance. I, too, came to this tree for the very same reasons. When fruits grew on it,

         even the gods would marvel. Its shadow, its outstretched hands, its standing form in the air was very beautiful

         against the sky. From my spot on the tree, I saw plenty for a Parrot.

         A small child who used to play in the tree's shade every day, and the big tree fell in love with the little boy. The

         tree had no idea of its own size, unlike humans who are aware of their status. Thus, the tree fell in love. It’s the

         same love where an old man loves his grandchild. But in my eyes, that boy was an incarnation of ego. That's

         why  I  call  him  ego.  I'm  sure  the  tree  would  not  be  happy  if  it  knew  about  my  thoughts.  Even  that  pure

         innocence  can’t  deceive  my  eyes.  My  experience  in  human  society,  from  the  time  I  was  imprisoned  in  a

         parrot's  cage,  hanging  at  the  door  of  humans,  to  my  eventual  escape  and  finding  solace  in  this  tree,  have

         taught me that time will slowly kill that innocence.”

         They say there is no one big or small for love. That tree fell in love with him but the branches of the tree were

         up, the child was small, so the tree would bend its branches down to him, so that he could pluck the fruit and

         pluck the flowers. Genuine Love is always willing to bow down. The branches of the tree would bend down

         when the child came playing! And when the child plucked its flowers, the tree was being very happy. Its soul

         would  be  filled  with  joy.  Whenever  love  gives  something,  it  becomes  happy.  Whenever  the  ego  takes

         something, it becomes happy.

         As time passed, the boy grew up. He would sometimes sleep in its shade, eat its fruits, wear a crown of its

         flowers, and declare himself the emperor of the forest. The winds blows and he sang. The tree was happy.

         After some time, He also started climbing on top of the tree, swinging from its branches. He also rested on its

         branches, and the tree would be very happy. Love is blissful when love becomes a shadow for someone. The

         ego finds joy when it takes away one's shadow.

         Eventually, as years passed by, the boy matured into a young, and as the days went on, he found himself

         confronted with the demands of adulthood. As he took on new tasks, he felt a strong desire to achieve more.

         He had to pass tests, he had to win friends. "Maybe it was during this time that the ambitions began to awaken

         within  him"  The  parrot  observed  all  of  this,  silently  examining  the  nature  of  human  desires  and  the

         consequences they bring. Indeed, as the saying goes, 'you suffer more in imagination than reality.'

         I noticed a change in the boy's visits; he, who once came daily, now appeared less often. However, the tree

         patiently  awaited  his  return,  hoping  that  he  would  come.  Its  branches  seemed  to  call,  whispering,  'Come,

         come!  But  sometimes,  the  boy  came,  and  sometimes  he  did  not  and  the  tree  becomes  sad.  Love  gets  sad

         when it cannot share. When he can't give, he gets depressed.

         Then the boy grew bigger and older, and the days of approaching the tree shortened as a man grows older, it

         becomes harder for him to prioritize love over ambition. The boy's ambitions kept growing.

         Some  says  it’s  normal  in  that  age.  And  it’s  hard  to  deny  that  all  humans  go  through  that  phase,  they  seek

         recognition and validation through their achievement.

         Then one day when he was leaving from there, the tree said to him, 'Listen! His voice echoed in the wind. Why

         aren't you coming? I'm waiting for you!

         The boy said, "What do you have that I should come?" I want money!

         The parrot watching at the boy and wondered the ego always asks, "What is there that I should come to you?"

         The ego asks that if something happens, I should come. If there is nothing, there is no need to come. The ego is

         a purpose. If the purpose is fulfilled, then I will come! If there is no purpose, then what is the need to come?

         The tree was shocked.

         If  I  were  in  its  place,  I  would  have  said,  “You  will  come  only  if  I  can  give  you  something?  I  don't  have  the

         money. This money is just man's invention; trees have not carried this disease.” The day we also have money,
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