Page 9 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 32
P. 9


                P A G E   9
                                                      A short Life!

                Let me start this story at the end of 2019.

                Everybody was happy and excited to be moving into a new year or a new decade, but from the new year everything started
                going downhill from there. The first and main thing was that the first sighting of Corona Virus was in a food market in Wu-
                Everyone thought it wasn't a big deal until it started spreading to different places quickly. It reached its peak when everyone
                had found out that there were around 471 cases and that the death toll had risen to about 315 Thousand! A few days after,
                these two scientists by the names of Mike Edeargad and Billie Shey had accidentally mixed a few chemicals and had found
                the cure.

                                                    Finally, Vaccines were available everywhere and Corona Virus was no more.

                                                                             Teacher's Comments:
                                                    Good piece of creativity but could be better if it is paragraphed.
                                                    Your work should begin with a title.

                                                             Romeo And Juliet
                He looked into my eyes and I saw the pain,
                The pain that he may never see me again
                Our families are enemies and it's been hard,
                To see me he has to sneak into our backyard

                He loves me and I love him but no one can know,
                But our families won’t allow it so I’ll marry him tomorrow
                I’ll sneak out through my window and say the vow,
                I’ve made up my mind and no one can stop me now
                                                                                          Teacher’s Comments:
                I love Romeo so much and I will do anything for him,         Well done Laila.
                Without him life would be so grim                            This is the interpretation of the original text.
                I hatched a plan a very smart scheme,                        One more stanza of your own creativity would
                I will be free to love him it all seems like a dream         have been excellent.

                                       My Love is a Fever Longing Still

                My love is like a fever,                            I think and speak like a madman,
                Craving the thing that caused the illness;          Randomly expressing foolishness;

                Feeding on that thing which retains it,             Because I believed you were good and bright as day,
                To please the unhealthy appetite of my body.        But you are black as hell and dark as night.

                My reason, the doctor of my love,
                Angry, because I do not follow his instructions,
                He has left me, when I needed him most
                Dying from the desire, that his medicine would have cured me.

                Now I cannot be cured, the reason I do not care,
                And I am hectic with rising worry;

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 32
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