Page 8 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 32
P. 8

                P A G E   8

                                                             Task Assigned

                                            A 100-word story writing competition (Year 7)

                1.    How has the Coronavirus pandemic disrupted your daily life? What are you missing? School,
                      sports, competitions, extracurricular activities, social plans, vacations
                2. What changes, big or small, are you noticing in the world around you?

                                      What has happened to the World?

                The Corona virus has affected the lives of many people. Whether it be people losing their loved ones or all
                over the world, the governments of countries are coming up with ways to stop the spread but are changing
                daily lives.

                What many places all over the world are trying to do now is, setting up social lockdowns. Some places are
                not faring too well with this method because a major factor to defeating this disease is how the civilians act

                depending on the rules. For example, there are people staying safe then there are people spreading the virus,
                some willingly, others unknowingly.

                                                                                Teacher's Comments:
                                                             This sounds like an article.

                                                             There should be the writer’s name just below the title, then
                                                             the introduction and the conclusion.


                “COVID 19” is world history. There is a good thing about that and a bad.

                Well, I am alive to witness it, but also alive to die from it. It is an interesting experience quarantine and all
                that online school.  What else, also social distancing from friends and family but my family does not do

                I celebrated Easter with my family. We even had a party but thank god none of my relatives or friends had
                this deadly virus. I have written a couple of pages in my journal for after the virus well that is if it ever
                ends. Someone in my cousin’s estate had the virus.  We were all scared but luckily none of us got the virus

                Glory to be to god.

                                                                               Teacher's Comments:
                                                            Urenna, your article is quite creative but would have made a
                                                            better read if it is put in paragraphs.

                                                            Also, take note of the corrections and write more carefully to
                                                            avoid errors.

                                                            Your work should begin with a title, then the introduction and
                                                            a conclusion.

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 32
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