Page 4 - Mic Monsta on Studio Africa 237 Magazine
P. 4

With projects like 2017 Mic
  Monst) THE EP )nd 2018 KWATA

  DIARY VOL.1, Mic Monst) h)s
  been )ble to )ttr)ct both n)tion)l

  )nd intern)tion)l recognition )nd

  he is e)sily listed )s C)meroons
  finest lyricist.

  He st)rted under Best Music Inc
  M)king mix t)pes [ My Thoughts

  THE MIX TAPE]  in 2012/2013 )nd
  th)nks to popul)r songs like ‘N

  Wordʼ, ‘Bw)mʼ )nd ‘King Kongʼ

  which ended him ) record de)l
  with Kreef Entert)inment. His

  m)jor l)bel debut w)s 2016

  ‘FEARʼ which e)rned him pr)ise
  from m)instre)m critics for his
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