Page 6 - Mic Monsta on Studio Africa 237 Magazine
P. 6
Anglophone Crisis, Kw)t) St)te of
Mind th)t p)ints the everyd)y
lifestyle )nd CHANGE YA STYLE
th)t bec)me ) vir)l )nthem in
sn)ck b)rs )nd night clubs.
In febu)ry 2019 the )lbum w)s
nomin)ted for best )lbum )t the
Urb)n J)mz Aw)rd.
December 2019 Mic Monst)
rele)sed Johnny which w)s the
first single from his 4th studio
project title "vibes Clinic” The
song bec)me ) vir)l street
)nthem )ll over C)meroon )nd
)cross Afric). These h)d his ever
growing f)n b)se excited )s they
)nticip)te the rele)se of the full
body of work which is set to be