Page 5 - Mic Monsta on Studio Africa 237 Magazine
P. 5

storytelling  )nd punchline )bility.
  Mic Monst) h)s worked with
  other C)merooni)n )rtist like

  S)l)tiel, Mr Leo, Ewube, Jovi ,
  Set) Be)tz, Dre)dy Christ, Crispy

  )nd m)ny more.

  Mic Monst)ʼs 2018 project

  Under his l)bel Kw)t) Music INC

  h)d music critics c)lling him the
  best r)pper of his gener)tion.

  Pl)tforms like Poise Soci)l e)sily
  listed Kw)t) Di)ry )s best )lbum

  of 2018. With songs like ONE POT

  SOUP th)t interprets the
  outbre)k of the C)meroon
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