Page 10 - FINAL EARLY SPRING 2019 SWHS Newsletter
P. 10

Ma Baker’s Corner Grocery

          Corner grocery stores sprang up to
        take advantage of new and better roads
        and early automobiles.
          Helga Gurina Baker, (known as ‘Ma
        Baker’) operated Baker’s Corner Gro-
        cery from 1920 to 1934.
          After the death of her husband, Jack,
        in a well cave-in on a nearby property,
        the Norwegian immigrant  mother of
        four young children had to find a way
        to support her family.
          Baker’s  Corner  Grocery  was  locat-  Young Elizabeth Baker on the porch of the store and restaurant. Note the old gas pump on right.
        ed on the northeast corner of the inter-
        section of Bush Point and Mutiny Bay   deliveries made and gas pumped in a   kitchen...  special Norwegian goods
        roads. Its small restaurant was a favorite   never ending procession of customers.  were made the year around. The sweet
        local hangout, serving as a communi-    Community leaders from Langley,     enticing odor of Julekage, lefse, fattig-
        ty nucleus for an area that as Ma Bak-  Clinton, Bay View and Maxwelton met   man, yule rye brod and cookies filled
        er’s son, John, described in his memoir   at the store to plan their strategy before   the  store,  especially  from the  middle
        ‘Baker’s Corner: Early Days on Whid-  going to the commissioners meeting at   of November until  a few  days before
        bey Island’ as:                       the Court House in Coupeville.”       Christmas. Although at that time of the
          “...the hub of the Island for the fish-  John Baker described the layout of the   year it was almost a round-the-clock
        ing industry, logging industry, chicken   store: “The center section was the main   operation, there was never enough to
        and strawberry farming, and the dairy   store.  Feed,  flour,  grains,  sack  sugar,   fill the demand.”
        industry... Sport fishing was also noted   sack coffee, were through the door on   During  Prohibition,  the  store  was
        with several fishing resorts, not to men-  the right, also accessible from the main   also  the  site  of  after-midnight  ‘don’t
        tion  the  bootlegging  industry  during   store.                           ask’  gas  pumping,  filling  trucks  for
        Prohibition.                            Next was the oil shed, where we     bootleggers who moved crates from
          (The little store) was at the center of   housed 10, 20, 30, and 40 weight oil...   smuggling operations  at Mutiny Bay
        it all. Three slot machines (one-armed   One of my morning chores was to fill   and Smugglers Cove and numerous
        bandits), punchboards and card games   special made, spouted quart bottles with   South Whidbey moonshine stills.
        went on from mid-morning until late at   each weight of oil.                Early Gas Pumps
        night. Food was served, orders filled,   Behind the oil house and along the   As automobile  use grew and roads
                                              outside wall of the store were barrels of   were  improved,  stores such as Fred
                                              kerosene, cloth cleaning fluid, vinegar,   Funk’s  Mercantile  in  Langley,  Bush
                                              molasses, upright barrels of imported   Point Mercantile, Baker’s Corner Gro-
                                              salt mackerel, salt herring, dried cod   cery,  Julia  Mackie  Brixner  Cross’s
                                              fish, a special imported lutefisk for the   store  at  Maxwelton,  the  Bay  View
                                              Christmas season, 25-gallon barrels of   Cash Store, the Mutiny Bay Store at
                                              Kosher pickles and regular dill pickles,   Austin, the Clinton Union Store (when
                                              barrels of German-made sauerkraut     it moved up the hill in 1931), and Aus-
                                              and crocks of pickled herring and pick-  tin  ‘Deke’  Marshall’s  1937  Freeland
                                              led pigs feet...                      store added the convenience of gaso-
                                                The inside of the main store was    line pumps.
                                              jammed with regular groceries, candy,   In the teens and early 1920s ‘pump-
        Helga  ‘Ma’ Baker at the wheel of a sec-  tobacco, popular sizes of bib overalls,   ing gas’ literally meant using a handle
        ond-hand 1918 model  T making deliveries   jackets, socks, work shoes, (mostly on   to pump gas up into a marked glass cyl-
        from the store.  No stranger to hard work,   special order) all types and sizes of   inder at the top which was then emptied
        prior to opening the store she walked 4 miles   tennis shoes. Imported sausages, corn     into a car’s gas tank via gravity. This
        to Bush Point each school day, hitched horses   beef, a dairy case with fruit and produce   allowed for an accurate  measurement
        to a wagon and hauled children to the Mutiny   in season.                   of gas as well as assuring customers of
        Bay School, then repeated the trip after school   Baking was done daily in the large
        was let out.                                                                the quality of the gas.
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