Page 19 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 19

A Tour of Faro, part I   18  19                    TEXT: Angelika Jończyk
                                                    PHOTO: Alba Vallés

 The past builds the


 Let me, dear reader, take you   Portuguese gastronomy, and the
 on a journey through a city that   almost year-round sun. However,
 dates back to prehistoric times.  these picturesque landscapes,

 Currently, Faro is a city that is   white and blue houses, and the
 bustling with life despite its   ubiquitous friendliness of the
 small size, supports the cultural  people are the result of rich
 life of its inhabitants, and gives   historical heritage, the influence

 a chance to show off to all the   of many different peoples, and,
 artists who live here, as well as   of course, the proximity of the
 to those who appear in the city   ocean. All these factors influen-
 only passing through. And peo-  ced the shaping of the current

 ple come here tempted by the   traditions, culture, and way of life
 paradise beaches of the Algarve,  of the inhabitants.

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24