Page 21 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 21

A Tour of Faro, part I  20  21                     TEXT: Angelika Jończyk
                                                    PHOTO: Alba Vallés

        Once upon a time, Ossónoba, as  to the passage of Muslims not
        the Romans called it, was the       only in the region but throughout
        most important city in the re-      the country. The Algarve prides
        gion. Currently, Faro is the capi-  itself on its informal, friendly,

        tal of the entire Algarve region.   and hospitable nature, welco-
        Although the Algarve population  ming outsiders and positively
        is the result of the crossbreeding  adapting to change. Much of the
        of the different peoples who        Algarve’s traditionally associated

        colonized the region, the Moors     with the sea is still devoted to
        have the most striking influence,  fishing and seafood harvesting.
        which is why the Algarve people  The differences in mentality are
        are browner than the indigenous  more pronounced between the

        people of northern Portugal. The  coast, modernized by intensive
        Muslims also left traces of ar-     tourism, and the interior, where
        chitecture, with traditional white  centuries-old traditions are pre-

        houses in the Algarve, equipped  served, whether in agriculture,
        with roof terraces and distinctive  crafts, gastronomy, or architec-
        chimneys. Noras (water draw-off  ture. Music that can be heard
        devices) and agriculture (citrus    all over the region is especially
        and almonds), as well as many       attractive.

        words in Portuguese, also testify

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
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