Page 26 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 26

People of Faro                                                   26                 27                                          TEXT: Alexandru Ion
                                                                                                                                        PHOTO: Alba Vallés

                                            Faro is famous for its                          All the citizens interviewed for

                                            location, in a touris-                          the People of Faro project had
                                            tic region of Portugal,                         to answer to a similar set of

                                            and its natural beauty.                         five questions showing at the
                                                                                            same time their own stories
                                            However, there is much                          and personalities, but also their

                                            more than that! People                          connection with the city. For
                                            of Faro explores the city                       the photoshooting Contextos

                                            through the eyes of its                         is working with Ana Monteiro, a
                                            local people.                                   professional photographer from

                                                                                            Faro and with Alba Vallés, a Spa-
                                                                                            nish photographer volunteering
                                            The project explores the diffe-                 in Faro.
                                            rent elements that Faro con-

                                            sists of, including local people’s
                                            thoughts and images about the
                                            city they live in. There is space

                                            for exploration to result in an
                                            interview that takes a look at the
                                            local people’s perspective about
                                            the city. The goal is showing
                                            what the city of Faro really is,

                                            create connections between it
                                            and its people and take into the
                                            surface their immense potential.

        Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                                                                                                  
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