Page 24 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 24
A Tour of Faro, part I 24 25 TEXT: Angelika Jończyk
PHOTO: Alba Vallés
Café Aliança
From the park in the distance,
you can see a golden inscription
on a green background - Café
Aliança. This place, known as
the “people’s parliament” or
“school of knowledge”, located
in the oldest building in Faro,
has been for over 100 years the
main meeting point for business
meetings, the latest gossip, and
local artists.
This cafe has existed for over
100 years. However, coffee was
not the product that was sold
there from the very beginning. Over the years, many celebrities the city center, despite the lack
Initially, milk and ice cream were have passed through Aliança. of its former elite character, re-
sold there. During these years, From Simone Beauvoir to An- tained its classic interior, which
Aliança was the Algarve’s infor- tónio Ramos Rosa, also José imposes an atmosphere of so-
mal dry fruit market, known as Afonso and António Aleixo, who lemnity. Unfortunately, in 2020,
the ‘Bolsa da Alfarroba’. Thus, combined the pleasure of drin- due to the coronavirus pande-
famous traders fixed prices for king coffee with the pleasure of mic, Cafe Aliança was closed
carob, figs and almonds there. discussing new ideas. and, so far, it is not known what
Until 2019, this place, located in will happen next…
Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1