Page 29 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 29

People of Faro  28  29                             TEXT: Alexandru Ion
                                                    PHOTO: Ana Monteiro

 The project launched in the   All of the stories are available at   If you are from Faro and you
 beginning of 2020 and collected  the following link:   want to be a part of the project
 so far almost 20 stories from   yourself you can send an email

 people of different backgrounds  The people involved in this pro-  at
 and personalities: a writer, a DJ,   ject are as different and diverse   with more details about you,
 a chef, a social worker or even a  as possible, as the final goal of   your background and work and
 shaman. Among the names pre- People of Faro is to show all   your connection with the city.
 sent on our website you can find  sides and characters of the local   Afterwards Contextos team can

 Rui Baeta, Raquel Ponte, Sofia   community and not to focus on   contact you in order to schedule
 Martins, Knox and Pedro Ruivo.   one singular aspect.  an interview.

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
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