Page 33 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 33

Behind the Team  32  33                            TEXT: Alba Vallés
                                                    PHOTO: Macarena Lasierra

 Meet Alba Vallés

        Who is Alba?              I’m a proud freak of cinema and music
                                  graduated in Audiovisuals. I want to be
                                  a camerawoman because I love cinema-
                                  tography and I know that that’s what I
                                  want to do in my life! I’m a musician too,

                                  I have played the french horn since I’m 8
                                  and I have been singing since I was 16. I
                                  play a little bit of guitar and I’m listening
                                  to music all day. I am a very social person

                                  and very antisocial in equal measure, it
                                  depends on daily mood. I’m so honest
                                  and direct too... sometimes too much, but
                                  that’s why everyone knows that they can

                                  trust me.

        What                      Passion. Without it life can be really hard

        motivates                 sometimes and it can be maybe difficult
        you?                      to be motivated, but when you have pas-
                                  sion about something you always find the
                                  way out.

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
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