Page 36 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 36

International mobilities                                         36                 37                                          TEXT: Angelika Jończyk
                                                                                                                                        PHOTO: Macarena Lasierra

        A guide by Angelika


        There are plenty of opportunities                                                   What do foreign                     help other people. Working with
        for foreign exchanges. I would                                                      exchanges give you?                 people from different countries
        like to tell you about some of                                                                                          will help you increase your ability
        them divided into student and                                                                                           to adapt to changing conditions

        employee exchanges and volun-                                                       By studying or working abroad,      and different people’s working
        teering. I chose these because                                                      you can improve your communi- styles.
        either I participated in them or                                                    cation, language and intercultu-    Not forgetting about personal
        I met people who took part in                                                       ral skills and gain soft skills that  benefits - international exchan-

        them and their experiences                                                          are highly valued by employers.     ges mean friendships with
        with it.                                                                                                                people from all over the world,
                                                                                            Taking part in foreign exchanges  birthday wishes in several lan-
                                                                                            helps attract the employer’s at-    guages, cooking national dishes,

                                                                                            tention and stand out from other  thousands of photos and me-
                                                                                            candidates, but that’s not all.     mories, and many trips together.
                                                                                            You may have the opportunity to  It can be said that international
                                                                                            participate in projects that are    exchanges are only benefits. I

                                                                                            really important for the commu-     definitely subscribe to it based
                                                                                            nity, believe in the mission and    on my experience.
                                                                                            purpose of your work, and really

        Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                                                                                                  
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