Page 39 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 39
International mobilities 38 39 TEXT: Angelika Jończyk
PHOTO: Macarena Lasierra
Youth Exchanges Student exchanges
Let’s start with an opportuni- By studying abroad, you can
ty that’s simply called a youth compare your university to
exchange. the foreign one, also lecturers’
Youth Exchanges enable a group approach, academic culture,
of young people from some the way of celebrating various
different countries to meet, live holidays, as well as getting to
together and work on joint pro- know students from different
jects for a short period. countries!
During a Youth Exchange, you
can take part in activities such Erasmus + Erasmus Mundus
as workshops, debates, exerci- Probably the best known of all Erasmus Mundus Joint Master
ses, outdoor activities, etc. European programs. Degree (EMJMD) is a presti-
Those mobilities last between It may last from 3 months (or 1 gious international Master’s
5 and 21 days and are open to academic semester) to a maxi- degree program. It aims to raise
people aged between 13 and 30. mum of 12 months. It is possi- the competencies of graduates
These are short experiences that ble to take part in the exchange and increase their employabili-
allow you to practice your skills, several times under the Erasmus ty by offering the possibility of
gain additional experience, and + program, but the total duration studying in different countries
exchange opinions on a given of stay abroad may not exceed throughout the entire period of
topic. 12 months within one study study.
cycle. Studies abroad must co- Erasmus Mundus has a very
rrespond to the study program wide range of studies, which
implemented in the home coun- sometimes differ from those
Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1