Page 40 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 40

International mobilities                                         40                 41                                          TEXT: Angelika Jończyk

        Employee exchanges                  Erasmus + internship                            Youth workers                       organizations” authorized by
                                            Erasmus + can help you gain                     Erasmus + supports the pro-         the US Department of State and

                                            valuable work experience by                     fessional development of youth      their representatives in Poland.
                                            providing internships abroad. It                workers through training and        The fields of study entitling to
                                            is a valuable experience that will              networking abroad.                  participate in the program inclu-
                                            definitely be useful after gradua-              Periods abroad may include trai- de Marketing, PR, media, jour-

                                            tion and can also make it easier                ning courses, job observation or  nalism, fashion, Graphic design,
                                            to find a job. Erasmus + inter-                 observation of relevant organiza- Programming, HR, Public admi-
                                            nship is an opportunity open                    tions, and more. The mobility of    nistration, Architecture, Enginee-
                                            to current students and recent                  young workers must last from 2  ring, and others.

                                            graduates.                                      days to 2 months.
                                                                                            To go abroad with Erasmus + as  Work under the program may
                                            An internship abroad may last                   a youth worker, your organiza-      be paid or unpaid. If you do not
                                            from a minimum of 2 months to                   tion must participate in a youth    have a guaranteed salary, you

                                            a maximum of 12 months. You                     mobility project with another       must show that you can remain
                                            can use Erasmus + exchange                      institution or organization.        in the US for the duration of the
                                            abroad many times as a student                                                      program. The maximum time
                                            or trainee, but the total duration              Internship & Trainee USA            a Participant can spend on the

                                            of your stay abroad cannot ex-                  Internship & Trainee is a pro-      Internship / Trainee program is
                                            ceed 12 months.                                 gram that enables students, gra- 2,3,6,12 or 18 months.
                                                                                            duates, and young professionals
                                            The internship must correlate                   to complete an internship in the

                                            with the subject of studies and                 United States.
                                            with personal needs and profes-                 The organizers of the program
                                            sional aspirations.                             are the so-called “Sponsoring

        Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                                                                                                  
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