Page 45 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 45

International mobilities  44  45                   TEXT: Angelika Jończyk

 Employee exchanges

 European Solidarity Corps  and ambitions. There are indivi-  still want to take part in the pro-  These are just a few of the many
 Most of the opportunities offe-  dual and team volunteering.  ject, you can check the so-called  opportunities for international
 red by the European Solidarity   team volunteering. It lasts from   exchange that you can take part

 Corps are cross-border volun-  Individual volunteering  2 weeks to 2 months and is also  in. I hope this text will help you
 teering. These projects are a   It can last from 2 to 12 mon-  full-time. The group consists of   discover these possibilities and
 great opportunity to help the   ths. It is done full-time, i.e. 30   10 to 40 volunteers from at least  choose the best one for you. If
 local community, gain new skills,  to 38 hours a week. It gives the   2 different countries.  you still hesitate to decide to lea-
 spend some time abroad, maybe  opportunity to participate in the   ve -> check out our video “How

 even learn a language - but defi-  daily work of an organization   The European Solidarity Corps   we got here?”
 nitely come back with beautiful   that actively works for the lo-  is not only about volunteering.
 and unforgettable memories.  cal community. Note: in some   Check the job and internship

 The European Solidarity Corps   cases (participants with fewer   offers here:
 volunteering program is open to  opportunities or disabilities) you   lidarity/young-people/trainees-
 people aged 18-30 living in par-  can take part in the project for a   hips-jobs_en
 ticipating and partner countries.  shorter period of time - from 2
 Project topics can range from   weeks to 2 months.

 environment, health, integration,
 digital, culture, and sport, so it’s   Team volunteering
 not hard to find something that   If you are not able to spend

 fits your professional interests   more than 2 months abroad, but

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
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