Page 42 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 42
International mobilities 42 43 TEXT: Angelika Jończyk
PHOTO: Macarena Lasierra
Internship Erasmus for Young potential business partners. knowledge and ideas with host
The program is open to people Entrepreneurs Who can take part? Novice entrepreneurs with whom they
who are currently studying or Erasmus for Young Entrepre- entrepreneurs who are seriously stay and with whom they coope-
university graduates who have neurs is an exchange program considering starting their own rate from 1 month to 6.
already graduated. The field of aimed at future and young business or who have establi-
study must be correlated with entrepreneurs. It gives them the shed a business in the last three
the work undertaken within the opportunity to learn directly from years. They meet and exchange
program. experienced entrepreneurs run-
ning small businesses in other
Trainee countries.
Graduates of higher education
institutions can participate in the The exchange of experiences
program. Here, the condition for and good practices takes place
participation is having one year while living in the country of an
of experience in the profession, experienced entrepreneur who
in accordance with the field of helps in acquiring the skills ne-
study. The program is also open cessary to run a small business.
to people who have completed It is a cooperation that benefits
their studies or high school and both sides - by discovering new
have 5 years of experience in a European markets, new ways of
given field. managing the company and new
Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1