Page 4 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 4

Introduction                                                        4               5                                           TEXT: Claudia Ivascu
                                                                                                                                        PHOTO: Macarena Lasierra

                                            intercultural dialogue, non-for-
                                            mal learning, social entrepreneu-

                                            rship, and social inclusion. The
        Contextos – Cooperativa para        approaches we use consist of a
        o Desenvolvimento e Coesão          diverse set of learning methods

        Social CRL is a non-profit coo-     in order to challenge people
        perative with its head office in    to make use of a critical and
        the sunny city of Faro, Portugal.   reflective attitude about their
        The story began in 2016,  with      own experiences (professional

        the aim of answering the com-       and/or personal). We cooperate
        munity’s social demands in an       with public institutions especia-
        integral way, as well as offering   lly at local and regional levels,
        custom-made solutions. Our          schools, universities, vocational

        mission is to foster and promote    and other educational institu-
        community empowerment and           tions, public and private social
        development as the keystone of      inclusion organizations, and
        processes of change in the so-      other NGOs. The aim of our first

        ciety, using participatory tools to   magazine number is to introdu-
        develop competencies and ca-        ce ourselves and our projects,
        pabilities within individuals and   to familiarise you with our past
        organizations. The projects we      events and also to keep you up-

        implemented so far, as well as      dated with our future plans.
        our future projects, are focusing
        on culture, media, education/tra-
        ining, participatory democracy,

        active citizenship, human rights,

        Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                                                                                                  
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