Page 6 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 6

Vitamin D                                                          6                7 7                                         TEXT: Alexandru Ion
                                                                                                                                        PHOTO: Macarena Lasierra

        Vitamin D is an umbrella project  disadvantaged groups.

        aiming to put together a large      All the projects included in Vita-
        number of projects, events and      min D are designed for promo-
        initiatives developed by Contex-    ting media and art as a tool for
        tos in terms of communication,      social expression and for the

        classic and digital marketing,      integration of young people into
        offline and online events and       society.
        media campaigns.                    As a part of Vitamin D we alre-
        The main goal of the project is     ady developed or plan to develop

        to increase social inclusion and    in the near future the following
        to raise awareness about social  projects and events:
        issues in a creative, non-formal
        and outside the box way. Con-

        sidering the present context        People of Faro
        in which the online and word        PechaKucha Faro
        of mouth forms of communi-          Fuckup Nights Faro
        cations are the fastest ways        VideoForum

        to reach a broad and relevant       Mostra Internacional
        audience, Vitamin D was develo-     de Cinema Fronteiras
        ped to use all available channels   For Youth Initiative II
        in order to promote solidarity,

        social inclusion and active
        citizenship and to support the

        Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                                                                                                  
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