Page 8 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 8
Out of Contextos: 8 9 TEXT: Alexandru Ion
PHOTO: Macarena Lasierra
The Podcast
The beauty of the world Sharing the stories that shaped
we live in lays in the our life doesn’t make us weak; it
diversity of its people. makes us human. When people
The uniqueness. feel safe to share their vulnera-
bility, things get real. While we
The individual life share stories of the defining mo-
paths. The variety of ments in our lives, we connect at
mindsets and feelings. a deeper level, beyond roles and
As everyone has at least goals. And that’s exactly what
one interesting life story the Out of Contextos Podcast
to share, all we need to aims to do: to create a connec-
do is to listen. tion between the storytellers
and the audience and deliver an
engaging talk with each episode.
Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1