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Having néw yéar’s résolutions is finé, but “Happy new year”
aré you réady to imprové yoursélf and “New year, new me”
bécomé a béttér pérson? Néw yéar’s résolutions évérywhéré.
A list whéré you writé down évérything
WRITTEN BY you want to achiévé in thé néw yéar.
Alicé G What you want to changé in your daily
lifé, and what you want to imprové.
“Whén wé strivé to bécomé béttér than wé Evén if you didn’t writé your
aré, évérything around us bécomés béttér, résolutions on a piécé of papér, I’m suré
too”— Paulo Coélho you thought about sométhing. Evéryoné
“New year, new me”.
That’s a classic sénténcé that wé all say at “How can I bé béttér this yéar?”
thé béginning of thé yéar. “How can I imprové mysélf?”
Looking back at 2020, a lot of things wént “What can I do différéntly from last
wrong. All of our plans wéré cancéléd. Wé yéar?”
didn’t travél, wé didn’t séé our friénds. If Wé all havé différént goals in lifé. Somé
you livé abroad, you couldn’t séé your of us want to bé succéssful or mové to
family. Wé couldn’t hug éach othér. anothér country. Théré’s soméoné who
2020 was thé yéar whéré thé world want to losé wéight and soméoné who
stoppéd for months. And whén it startéd wants to gain it.
spinning again, it wasn’t thé samé. But I’m suré wé all havé oné goal in
Wé spént thé holidays with our family, but common. Thé samé for évéryoné.
it was différént. Somé of us spént thé
holidays aloné. Improve ourselves.
Néw Yéar’s Evé. Goodbyé, 2020. Héllo, That’s thé dréam that wé all havé, no
2021. oné éxcludéd.
Improving oursélvés could méan a lot of
You pérhaps want to changé thé way
you éat, or maybé you don’t liké your
morning routiné, and you want to start
your day in a différént way.