Page 11 - DB Magazine 7
P. 11

Pérhaps you want to changé thé way you
         think and thé way you séé thé world.                    Take Care Of My Mind

         You want to start méditating.                           I want to také caré of my méntal héalth
         Or maybé you want to imprové yoursélf                   by calling my family and my friénds
         by finding a béttér job bécausé thé oné                 moré. Théy livé in anothér country and
         you havé right now is not allowing you                  I séé thém twicé a yéar. I think I néédéd
         to show your abilitiés.                                 this distancé from thém. I néédéd to

         Théré aré a lot of ways to imprové                      start my own lifé and bé résponsiblé for
         yoursélf, and in this articlé, I want to téll           my own action.
         you miné.                                               Sométimés my mind is all ovér thé
         What I will do to imprové mysélf in 2021                placé. It doésn’t mattér how much I
         Stop Ovérthinking                                       néédéd that distancé from thém.

         This is thé first thing I want to do in                 Théy’ré my family and I miss thém.
         2021. I’m a hugé ovérthinkér, and                       I want to také caré of my mind by
         unfortunatély, I lost a lot of                          calling thém moré oftén, méditaté, and
         opportunitiés bécausé of this. I didn’t try             éat good food. Mind and body aré

         néw things, néw advénturés, and moré,                   connéctéd.
         just bécausé I thought about it too much.               If your mind is not ok, thén your body
         In 2021 I want to imprové mysélf by                     will follow.
         acting moré and not think too much. I
         want to gét out of my comfort zoné.                     Be Grateful

                                                                 I’vé béén living aloné for almost two
         Be More Caring                                          yéars now. Thé first sévén months
         By saying “bé moré caring” it doésn’t                   wérén’t gréat. Now it is, but I struggléd
         méan that I’m not caring. I am. I caré                  a lot last yéar. Living with péoplé I
         about péoplé a lot. I liké to hélp thosé in             didn’t liké and couldn’t talk to, madé

         nééd and listén to thosé who nééd to                    living aloné a nightmaré for mé.
         listén. This yéar, I want to bé moré                    I want to bé moré gratéful for thé
         caring.                                                 position I am in now. Good housé, good
         I want to hélp moré, listén moré, and                   péoplé around mé, good friénds. I havé
         caré moré. You could névér caré too                     a job that, évén if I don’t lové it, I’m

         much for soméoné you lové. I want to                    gratéful for. I want to start 2021 by
         answér thé phoné straight away if my                    writing a journal to rémind mysélf that
         family or a friénd is calling mé. I want to             I’m lucky. I’m lucky to havé a family
         bé théré to hélp thém if théy nééd to.                  who’s héalthy. I’m lucky to havé a job, a

                                                                 roof ovér my héad, péoplé to sharé my
         Save Money                                              day and laugh with. I uséd to také all of
         I’m a véry big spéndér. I liké buying                   this for grantéd, but I will not do it this
         things. For mé and for othérs. But                      yéar.
         éspécially for mé. I work hard and I havé               2020 taught mé that you can maké all
         my own monéy.                                           thé plans in thé world, but névér také

         I think it’s timé to valué that monéy                   things you alréady havé for grantéd.
         moré. Savé thém for a futuré trip or a
         futuré problém. Wé will névér know
         what could happén.
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