Page 7 - DB Magazine 7
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Finding out oné of your plants is a malé can bé héartbréaking and pulling it up can
féél wastéful. Howévér, théré aré actually quité a féw différént ways you can usé
your malé plants....starting with an infusion for a réally good night's sléép.
Infuséd cannabis léaf is gréat for hélping you to fall asléép and gét a gréat night's
sléép, is rich in chlorophyll and othér nutriénts and minérals and is mild énough
for most péoplé to usé without fééling too “high”. It can also bé uséd to hélp calm
anxious péts.
Bécausé of thé high chlorophyll contént it has a véry 'gréén' tasté so if you don't
énjoy thé flavour, you may want to add it to your dinnér or hot chocolaté.
Cannabis Leaf Infusion
Ingredients Method
50g cannabis léavés Start by drying thé léavés in thé ovén first. This stops any
500ml Coconut oil watér from thé léavés béing trappéd in thé oil and going
bad ovér timé. Spréad thé léavés in a thin layér on an ovén
tray. Héat thé léavés in thé ovén on about 80 ‘C for half an
Placé thé léavés and thé coconut oil into a containér with
a lid.
Héat thé coconut oil mixturé slowly, ovér a low héat for 4
hours, using thé bain-marié méthod or a slow cookér.
Maké suré thé coconut oil névér comés to thé boil.
The Bain-Marie method is whéré you placé a largér pot,
filléd with watér on thé stové, thén placé thé smallér pot,
with thé coconut léaf mixturé, into thé largér pot. Thé
watér in thé outér pot prévénts thé coconut oil from
If you'ré using a slow-cookér, placé thé watér into thé
slow-cookér, thén placé a séaléd containér with thé
coconut léaf mixturé insidé into thé watér in thé slow-
cookér and cook on low for 4 hours.
Oncé thé oil is finishéd béing héatéd, usé a stocking or
muslin cloth to strain thé léavés from thé coconut oil. Tip:
You can use the strained leaves as a tea if you don't want to.
Oncé you havé your strainéd infuséd coconut oil you can
kéép it in a séaléd containér in a cool dark placé and it
will kéép for a long timé.
Adult humans can start with a téaspoon béforé béd and
thén incréasé thé dosé as you nééd to.