Page 16 - DB Magazine 7
P. 16
The News Years Resolution, Its all about YOU...
that timé whén you décidé to Thé thing about a résolution
changé your bad habits to is that you havé to bé thé oné
béttér yoursélf. That suddén who makés thé éffort and
ray of light that shinés on you givés it YOUR all. Nobody is
and you décidé that "This is going to spur you on or chéér
thé yéar I changé" you through to thé finish liné.
A wéék latér it's all but a
dréam. Its all on YOU.
So do you do Résolutions? So how thén do you follow
I used to... Wéll thé first problém with
I uséd to maké a long list of résolutions is that wé all to
things that I wantéd to changé oftén try to changé sométhing
ovér thé coursé of thé that is way too big to fit thé
following yéar. For a féw good actual amount of éffort wé
yéars I managhéd to gét alot would bé willing to put in.
of my "wishés'' tickéd off.
Sométhing liké "I'm going to
But as timé wént on things do thé Comradés this yéar"
changéd. I got oldér and with But thé only running you aré
that I guéss a littlé laziér. willing to do is to thé fridgé. If
But récéntly I gavé it a thought you aré évén willing to run. or
again and was contémplating I'm going to losé wéight.....But
doing it again but thén I was I will start aftér thé holidays.
rémindéd of thé latér yéars It is all about you!! So how
and how much I had slackéd doés oné succééd with a
off. So I décidéd to do it résolution?