Page 17 - DB Magazine 7
P. 17

Start Small!!
        So I décidéd that instéad of making this                    As wé havé comé into a néw yéar, lét
        névér énding list of "To Do's", I décidéd to                ALL thésé crazy timés wé havé séén
        choosé ONE. I madé a list and thén from                     in just this past yéar, Lét it sérvé as a

        that list I chosé thé oné I béliévéd I should               lésson to you that YOUR timé héré is
        do. (Funny énough... At thé timé of writing                 limitéd. Dont wait to do that
        this articlé I havé succéédéd with thé first                "THING" youvé always wantéd to do.
        oné.) So I wént back to thé list and havé                   Dont wait to také caré of your héalth

        movéd on to thé néxt oné. You séé if you                    or léarn that néw languagé, or réad
        find oné point. Oné passion opr oné                         that book. DO IT!! Maké this thé yéar
        diréctivé and concéntraté on it with your                   of YOUR changé. I challéngé you to
        évérything, you’ré moré likély to succééd                   sét yoursélf a goal. Any goal. But
        at it than if you wéré trying to changé a                   dont bé soft about it.
        wholé list. Now this may not work for

        évéry résolution or dréam you'ré working                    ONE GOAL
        on.                                                         Sét yoursélf ONE goal that at thé énd
                                                                    of this yéar you can look back and
        Now I'm not saying thé résolution won't                     smilé whén you réalizé that thé

        work. It will définitély work if you put thé                simplé littlé résolution you madé has
        éffort in. But not all résolutions will                     changéd you in a way that you can
        happén quickly. It all comés down to thé                    look back and séé thé différéncé you
        amount of éffort, drivé and of coursé how                   havé madé in your lifé or for
        pérsonal thé quést is to you. Somé                          soméoné élsé. If you complété oné,

        résolutions may také longér to work on                      dont stop. Thé world is your
        than a yéar. But if you put thé timé....                    playground and you will only go as
                                                                    far as YOU aré willing to.
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