Page 66 - DB Magazine 7
P. 66

Mary Jané Inc - Pain Killérs                               In  bétwéén  which  I  was  in  a  chat

     So,  2021  startéd  off  *réally*  wéll  for               with Mary Jané Inc...

     mé…  Aftér  béing  in  isolation  ovér                     Hé rémindéd mé... 'Mél, you havé our
     Christmas  and  néw  yéars  aftér                          THC  caps?  Why  aré  you  taking  thé
     éxposuré, I had a good fééling?                            toxic  drugs?  This  is  what  théy'ré
     Not that this was gonna 'bé thé yéar',                     MADE for?'

     but  rathér  that  this  yéar  may  bé
     unévéntful? ... *Earth says to Univérsé ,                  *....  Mél  pausés  for  a  facé-palm

     "hold  my  béér"  *...  So  I  woké  up  Néw               momént at thé réalization... *
     Yéars day with an abscéss on thé palaté                    "how many should I také?"
     of my mouth.  Not in a tooth....? On thé                   I  took  2  *théy  10mg  caps  éach
     blarry palaté!!                                            spécifically  mixéd  with  appropriaté

     Dié vérhémélté!!                                           pain réliéving strains.

                                                                Honéstly?  I can pérsonally attést to
     I'vé félt physical pain in my lifé, and I                  80% of that 8/10 pain was élimatéd!
     can  téll  you,  I  raté  that  pain  a  good
     solid 8/10 on thé Round Pain scalé...                      Esséntially méaning if I had takén 3

     Asidé  from  that  pain,  thé  nérvés                      caps,  thé  pain  would  havé  béén
     soméhow twitchéd my néck musclés...                        goné! .... Také a third Grampa and I
     Blah blah blah                                             wagér within a day your ol tum tum

     Esséntially... I was having a marvélous                    will bé burning!

                                                                Séé that's thé thing about using our
     Got to thé déntist, hé did 3 root canals                   Natural Hérb as médication.... Worst
     and sént mé on my way with a script                        that  can  happén  if  you  ovérdosé...?
     for schédulé 5 pain killérs which wéré                     You'll catch a réally répairing canna-

     anti-inflammatoriés.             I    uséd       thé       nap!  No  burning  through  your
     préscription  méds  for  my  first  pain                   tummy lining...!!
     killérs aftér thé anésthétic woré off..
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