Page 71 - DB Magazine 7
P. 71

The new Blackburn Road Rooftop420
        Club  is  run  by  manager  and  part-                   Eventually  he  found  his  way  to  MMA

        owner Darren Muller and assisted by                      and  boxing  and  met  teachers  who
        cannabis  fundi, Trent  Sukdeo.  Inside                  helped him to channel and control the

        the     atmosphere          is    fresh      and         anger. “But there was a key ingredient I

        welcoming,  “Our  space  offers  a  safe,                had  found  along  the  way  and  it  was
        friendly            and           professional           cannabis.  I  was  a  lot  calmer  in

        environment  where  members  can                         situations  and  my  body  was  able  to
        relax and enjoy themselves” explains                     recover  faster  from  heavy  workouts.  I

        Darren. His inspiration for wanting to                   believe  so  much  in  this  plant  because
        open  a  cannabis  club  comes  from                     I'm proof that it works. I'm now a pro-

        Darren's  own  history,  “I  was  bullied                boxer”

        badly  when  I  was  very  young  in
        primary school, which in turn created                    Inside,  Darren's  vision  has  been

        quite  a  bit  of  anger  in  me.  Having  a             realised  by  creating  a  light  and  open
        broken  home  at  that  age  was  also                   space with a variety of areas to explore.

        difficult and I got into a lot of fights”                A mix of both community and private
                                                                 areas  makes  this  perfect  for  most
                                                                 occasions.  There's  an  outdoor  braai

                                                                 area, private rooms for hire and even a
                                                                 poker  room  where  players  can  enjoy

                                                                 their favourite herb while getting their
                                                                 game  faces  on.  Coffee,  snacks  and

                                                                 other  refreshments  are  also  available

                                                                 along  with  some  yummy  edibles  and
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