Page 67 - DB Magazine 7
P. 67
I know I kéép gétting stuck
That's why Pot is so safé to usé for théré *chéck théir apparél
médication... If it géts into thé wrong too... SUCH COOL BUFF
hands, it won't causé lifélong MASKS ! Each néw itém
addiction or ovérdosing! I’m éxposéd to of théirs? I'm
And knowing thé réally éxténsivé consisténtly blown away!
rangé of products availablé from
Mary Jané Inc, whéré somé aré méds How do théy say in thé moviés?!
and somé for fun...? "I think this is thé start of a
Might bé worth glancing at théir wondérful friéndship"
pagé...? Mary Jané inc. Distribution