P. 20
We moved house in 1994 after loosing Ivy House when we lost our business.
At Northcote, Ruth was our wage earner, I had various part time jobs and
hiring out the Horses and Carriages became a major part of our earnings.
We started “Northcote Jobmasters”.
This was out “visiting card”...note the Dalmatian Dog was an important part of
the team.
By this time, we believe Dinan was probably the only Dalmatian in the UK
actually earning his living at his traditional task.
You see, that is what Dalmatian's were actually bred to do in years gone by.
They can run with a horse and cover the same mileage in a day as a horse
would be expected to do with a horse drawn vehicle.
They protect the carriage against highway robbers or animals that got in the
way on the road. If a carriage or indeed any horse drawn vehicle was “upset”
by animals or unexpected noise or something of this order and the horse or
horses became out of control, then if an accident was to follow, the folk inside
the carriage ran a very high risk of being killed. Horses do not stop easily
once out of control!
The risk is high and can happen so easily. The Dalmatian therefore became
very important to your journey.