Page 162 - IT'S A RUM LIFE BOOK TWO "BOSTON 1960 TO 1970"
P. 162
He had been very successful, so much so that the owners
then wanted it all for themselves and Bernard had to seek
pastures new. And here he was!
I put my head in at the office door and made myself known.
A quick hello and goodbye as he was obviously busy, I
returned to my truck and moved out from the pumps towards
the road.
Picture of similar canopy over Total Petrol station.
Suddenly, as they say, there was this huge crash. Glass was
tumbling all around me.
I got out in a state of shock and saw that the keel of the
double-ended, heavy duty, timber built dinghy stowed on the
roof of the boat cabin had ploughed a route through the
underside of the canopy.
It had removed all the tube lights from just against the fuel
pumps to where I eventually stopped and left a clean groove in
the smart plastic under-surface!
Needless to mention, the owner and the visitor from his
office were quickly on the scene.
The dialogue is unrepeatable. But what I can mention is
that the other man was the local Total representative and he
fortunately had a camera with him.
The main thing I remember next and I honestly think this
saved my bacon was the rep saying he was always looking for