Page 11 - FY 20 Annual Report: Land Trusts Protection & Advocacy Office
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School & Institutional Trust                                                            BENEFICIARY DISTRIBUTIONS

                                                                                         Annual distributions from each trust
 Funds Office                                                                            are constitutionally limited to 4%
                                                                                         of the average market value of each
 310 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SUITE 1250,                                                      trust’s permanent fund over the
                                                                                         past 12 consecutive quarters. The
                                                                                         investment objective of inflation
                                                                                         (CPI) + 5% allows funds to be
 Mission  Asset Allocation                                                               invested in a manner that supports
 SITFO RESPONSIBILITIES                                                                  the distribution policy in perpetuity
 To responsibly maximize the return on the invested principal of the   While different beneficiaries ultimately own the trust funds, all are managed with a   while providing for intergenerational
 • Manage and invest the permanent trust funds  School and Institutional Trusts for the current and future benefit of   similar asset allocation, as the return and risk objectives are expected to be similar.   equity between current and future
 • Diversify the investments of trust fund money   Utah’s education programs.  The asset allocation optimizes the expected return relative to the level of risk the   beneficiaries.
 and assets  board of trustees views as acceptable.                                      Annual distributions from the
 • Decision-making based on objective research   Trust Fund Investment  The risk and return potential of each investment is carefully considered. The portfolio   permanent trust funds provided
 and thorough due diligence   as a whole is expected to provide, over time, a total return greater than or equal to the   more than $93.2 million dollars for
                                                                                         beneficiaries in FY 2020.
 The School and Institutional Trust Funds Office (SITFO), an independent   investment objectives of the trust, while avoiding undue risk concentrations in any
 FY 2020 - CURRENT SITFO BOARD OF   government agency created by the Utah Legislature in 2014, administers   single asset class or category, thus reducing risk at the overall portfolio level.  For more information on distributions
                                                                                         and distribution formulas, see page 17.
 TRUSTEES AND AGENCY DIRECTOR  the investment of earnings received from SITLA, derived from the sale   The permanent fund asset allocation as of FY 2020 is below.
 and/or lease of trust lands. SITFO invests roughly $2.5 billion permanent
 funds in a globally diversified investment portfolio for the sole benefit of
 their respective beneficiaries.
 SITFO is guided by an Investment Beliefs Statement and Investment    12%                SITFO INVESTMENT POLICY
 Policy Statement. Under the direction of its board of trustees, SITFO   Systematic Convexity: 7%
 manages, monitors, and evaluates the investment of the trust assets.   Long US Treasury: 5%  GROWTH  SITFO's long-term investment
 This is done in coordination with investment managers and investment   Private Debt: 7%  37%  objective targets an annualized
 consultants. The permanent trust funds are invested in a manner   Non-U.S. Debt: 5%  INCOME  U.S. Equity: 15%  return over time of inflation (CPI) +
 David Damschen  Kent A. Misener  that supports the distribution policy in perpetuity while providing for   ILS: 4%  31%  International Equity: 15%  5%. This is to maintain the purchasing
 UTAH STATE TREASURER   VICE CHAIR,   intergenerational equity between current and future beneficiaries.  Private Equity: 7%  power of the fund in perpetuity,
 CHAIR, BOARD OF TRUSTEES  BOARD OF TRUSTEES  Securitized: 8%                            while sustaining and growing the
                 Credit: 7%               REAL ASSETS            TIPS: 3%                current distribution amount. Given
 SITFO Board of Trustees and               20%                   Public Real Assets: 4%  the perpetual time horizon of the
                                                                 Private Real Estate: 9%
 Agency Management                                               Private Real Assets: 4%  trusts, SITFO expects to achieve its
                                                                                         investment objective over the long
                                                                                         term, not necessarily in each year.
 A five-member board of trustees provides oversight and policy direction                 The board recognize, over various
 for SITFO’s trust fund management and investment. The state treasurer                   periods, that the portfolio may over
 serves as an ex officio chairperson. The additional trustees are appointed   SITFO Investment Process   or underperform relative to indices
 on a nonpartisan basis by the state treasurer from a list of qualified                  or peer groups.
 David R. Nixon  Jason Gull  candidates nominated by a nominating committee, as outlined in Utah   ELEMENTS & APPLICATION
 BOARD OF TRUSTEES  BOARD OF TRUSTEES  statute. The trustees are highly experienced investment professionals.  In overseeing roughly $2.5 billion
              Idea      Asset Allocation   Asset Class   Manager     Portfolio & Risk    in permanent trust funds, SITFO
 The board appoints a director who employs a team to operate the   Generation  Framework  Structure  Selection  Management  focuses primarily on long-term
 day-to-day functions and monitor and manage the investments of each   Board  Fit with Objectives  Repeat Asset   Strategy Fit  Constraints/Sizing  strategic allocations, as opposed to
 trust. In addition to the investment professionals at SITFO, the board   Staff  Gaps/Needs  Allocation Questions  Marginal Contribution  Monitoring  short-term tactical shifts. In general,
 retains investment consulting firms, to leverage outside resources for   Opportunity Set   SITFO’s risk tolerance attempts to
 the overall framework of agency’s investment program.  Consultant  Portfolio   Specific  Investment Due   Rebalancing
         Managers                     Liquidity      •  Desktop Review  Capital Flows    minimize volatility so that it is no
                        Contribution to              •  Phone/In-Person/                 greater than necessary to achieve
 Resources Available  Complexity/  Networks  • Risk  Active/Passive  Onsite Reviews  Measuring  the long-term investment objective
         News Flows     • Return      Marginal Contribution  •  Fee Navigation           of a 5% return after inflation.
                        • Liquidity
 John Lunt  Peter Madsen  • Diversification          •  Diversification
 BOARD OF TRUSTEES  DIRECTOR                         Operations Due
 Market Environment  Liquidity                       Diligence
                                                       MPI, eVestment,
           Resources     MPI, Bloomberg  MPI, Bloomberg  Preqin, Dynamo, Castle  MPI, Bloomberg,
                                                                      Dynamo, Caissa
 Risk Tolerance     Time  Board, Staff,                              Staff, Consultants,
 Time Horizon
 Horizon  Responsibilities  Consultants  Staff, Consultants  Staff, Consultants  Custodian
 Beneficiary Needs
 10  School & Institutional Trust Funds Office (SITFO)
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