Page 29 - FY20 Annual Report Land Trusts Protection Advocacy Office_ Beneficiary Reports
P. 29

Beneficiary Summary


                           COLLEGES OF EDUCATION

         Acreage - Surface                    4,632 (0.14%)

         Acreage - Mineral                    20,792 (0.46%)

         Total Permanent Fund Balance         $6,201,043

                               FUND RETURN %

         FY 2020                              -3.9%
         3-Year Annualized                    1.8%

         5-Year Annualized                    3.0%

         10-Year Annualized                   7.7%

         Distribution Formula for Colleges of Education (Normal Schools) Trust

                              (4% x 12-QTR average previous fiscal year end) = Total FY Distribution Amount

         APPLIED FORMULA FOR FY20:  (4% x $5,158,522) = $206,341*

         Total trust distribution is subject to a 4% cap against the 12-   2019         % OF          DISTRIBUTION
         QTR market value average. Distributions from the Colleges of   UNIVERSITY  DEGREES  DISTRIBUTION  AMOUNT
         Education (Normal Schools) Trust are made once annually after
         graduation data becomes available. Each college of education   University of Utah  70  5.58%  $11,518
         receives a percentage of the total trusts' distribution based on
         teaching degrees awarded by that university. Distributions from   Utah State Univeristy  687  54,78%  $113,043
         the Colleges of Education (Normal Schools) Trust are made once
         annually after graduation data becomes available. Each college
         of education receives a percentage of the total trusts' distribution   Weber State University  87  6.94%  $14,316
         based on teaching degrees awarded by that university.
                                                     Southern Utah University  104      8.29%         $17,113
                                                     Dixie State University  64         5.10%         $10,531
              SURFACE ACRES:                         Utah Valley University  242        19.30%        $39,820
              4,632                                   Total                1,254        100%          $206,341

              MINERAL ACRES:                         Colleges of Education Trust Distributions
              20,792                                 FY 2016                     $103,342

                                                     FY 2017                $83,628

              COLLEGES OF EDUCATION (NORMAL          FY 2018                                $179,043
              SCHOOLS) TRUST FUND BALANCE            FY 2019                                      $190,110
              $6,201,043                             FY 2020                                          $206,341

             As of 6/30/2020                          Calculated FY 2021 Distribution             $227,405

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