Page 107 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 107

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

                 Use the up and down menu keys to select the required activity and time additions, press
                 ‘enter’ key to confirm activities.
                                                                          Always ensure that you have 3
                   After completing manual entries                          spare tacho rolls in the cab
                                                                              before leaving the yard.
                 • Select country (UK) and press ok.
                 • The card pictogram will appear when the data from the card has been completely read.
                 • Log on is now complete

                   Log off procedure:

                 •  Press the driver activity button (button with 1 on the face) until the rest symbol is
                 •  Press eject button for card 1.
                 •  Select the country (UK) at the end of the shift and press OK.
                 •  The system will then ask if a printout is required, if a print is required select yes the
                   tachograph will then produce a report.
                 •  If no printout is required select no.
                 •  The driver card will then be released from the slot, log off is now complete.

                   Adjusting local time:

                 •  Press OK to access menu.
                 •  Using the down arrow        scroll down until “entry vehicle” is shown.
                 •  Press OK to select.
                 •  Using the down arrow         scroll down until “local time” is shown.
                 •  Press OK to select.
                 •  Local and UTC times are now displayed.
                 •  Press either the down arrow         or the up arrow         to adjust time shown.
                 •  Each time you press the arrow it will alter the time by 30 minutes.
                 •  Press OK to confirm.
                 •  Press the return button                twice to leave the main menu.
                 •  Press OK to confirm.
                 •  Tachograph is now back in normal operating mode with local time adjusted by 1 hour.

                   Tachograph symbols:

                              Driving Symbol                                             Rest

                              Period of Availability(POA)                       Other Work

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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