Page 106 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 106

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   Log on procedures or commencement of duty

                 Switch on ignition then

                 Siemens VDO DTCO 1381
                                                                                                Unlock printer draw

                Change/Smartcard       Display            Crew Duty-         Menu scroll buttons
                  Driver Duty-
                  Activity button                       Change/Smartcard

                                                                                                      Paper Cassette
                     Eject button card    Driver Smart                          Crew Smart Card
                        slot 1             Card Slot          Eject button      Slot
                                                              card slot 2

                 Insert the driver card in to slot 1 with the chip facing upwards and the arrow pointing

                   All Tachographs

                 It is then necessary to follow the instructions on the display which will show the following:

               •   (Greeting) drivers name appears.
               •   The date and time the card was last withdrawn (this is always in UTC time).
               •   You will now be given an option to make a manual entry relating to any activities that
                   occurred after the last time the card was withdrawn or before the card was inserted.
               •   If no manual entries are required select no and press ok.
               •   If manual entries are required select yes and the facility becomes available to enter
                   additional activities.
               •   All manual entries must be entered on the driver card by using the digital tachograph.

                   Manual entries
                 Before attempting a Manual Entry please discuss with the Transport Manager.
                 It  is  a  legal  requirement  to  enter  information  via  the  digital  tachograph  regarding
                 additional duties at the beginning or at the end of a shift or duty that have not already
                 been recorded on the driver card. Each time the card is inserted you will have the option
                 to amend start and finish times of previous activities.

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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