Page 35 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 35

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                  Company road traffic accident procedures

            a.    By  law  all  drivers are  under a  duty  to  stop  where  an  accident  occurs  on  the  road
                  involving motor vehicles and there is:

                       ➢  personal injury
                       ➢  damage to property
                       ➢  injury to or death of certain animals (i.e. horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats
                           etc.), or
                       ➢  damage to any property adjoining the road

            b.    If required to do so, you must give your name and address to any police Officer at the
                  scene, or any individual having reasonable grounds to request it.

            c.    All accidents MUST be reported immediately to your Manager by telephone as soon
                  as it is safe to do so.

            d.  If you do not give your details to anyone at the scene (for example if no one else is
                 present), or you do not discover there has been an accident until after the event, you
                 must fill out your relevant form and report it to your Manager.

            e.  A criminal offence is committed if you:

                           do not stop at the scene of an accident
                           do not report the matter to the police

            f.  Any accident involving personal injury must be reported to the police within 24 hours,
                 unless the police attended the scene.

            g.  Failure  to  stop  and  report  accidents  is  an  offence.  Failure  to  do  so  could  result  in
                 prosecution by the police which could affect your driving licence.

            h.  For Insurance purposes and in case of any legal proceedings, whenever a company
                 vehicle is involved in an accident; the driver should take a note, using the relevant form
                 and including the following:

                                 vehicle registration numbers
                                 make and model of third party vehicle
                                 weather and light conditions
                                 names and addresses of third parties involved or witnesses
                                 brief description of the accident
                                 any road signs or markings
                                 damage to vehicles or property
                                 tyre skid marks and debris

            i.   If you witness a third-party causing damage or you cause any damage to any property
                 on or off site, no matter how small, you must write down full details of the damage and

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