Page 40 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 40

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

                   Debris on the Highway

            After  loading  and  tipping  it  is  important  that  you
            check  the  load  carrying  area  of  your  vehicle  to
            ensure  that  all  material  that  could  fall  onto  the
            highway is removed at the tipping point.

            Pay particular attention to the lip/shelf underneath
            the body as stone can collect there and then drop
            onto  the  road  causing  damage  to  other  vehicles
            travelling  on  the  highway  and  injury  to  vulnerable
            road users.

                                                       Falling material costs AMS Ltd money every year
                                                       in  potential  claims  from  motorists  for  new
                                                       windscreens  and  is  obviously  dangerous  for
                                                       vulnerable  road  users  such  as  cyclists  and

                                                       If material is found to be falling from your vehicle
                                                       whilst  on  the  highway  this  will  be  classed  as  an
                                                       insecure load and you and the company could be
                                                       prosecuted.  In  addition  to  this  also  affects  the
                                                       companies  Operators  Compliance  Risk  Score
            (OCRS) as you will be issued a PG9 at the roadside. If this is found to be accurate you could
            also face disciplinary action being taken against you.

            All loads before joining the highway should be checked to ensure that they are not able to
            fall from the vehicle and are not above the sides of the load area and adequately sheeted
            or secured.

                   Vulnerable Road Users Safety Policy

            AMS Ltd vehicles share the roads with many other road users, some of whom are at a far
            greater risk than others. We recognise that some of these road users may warrant special
            consideration and greater vigilance in order to protect their safety and well-being.

            AMS Ltd aims to avoid all collisions involving other road users, by adhering to the simple
            precautions outlined in this procedure.

            This  policy  applies  to  all  drivers,  co-drivers,  supervisors  and  managers  responsible  for
            transport staff at AMS Ltd.

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