Page 42 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 42

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

                   Road Traffic Convictions and Fines
                        Following any conviction or fine for driving related  offences, you must inform the
                        Transport Manager within  24 hours of the occurrence or notification. If you lose
                        your licence through disqualification  for a driving related offence, where a licence
                        is  required  to  carry  out  your  duties,  AMS  Ltd  will  review  your  on-going
                        employment in line with disciplinary procedures and the terms of your contract of
                        employment. Driving and parking fines are not reimbursable.

            If you do not tell AMS Ltd of any driving related offences,  disciplinary action may occur.

            Attempting  to  drive  on  company  business  while  disqualified  will  be  treated  as  gross
            misconduct. Where AMS Ltd has paid  the fine, the driver will be required to reimburse the
            fine plus any administrative charges through salary deduction to AMS Ltd.

            Please also provide details of any motoring offences committed as soon as notified and also
            be  aware  that  under  the  terms  of  our  Operators  license  we  must  notify  the  Traffic
            Commissioner at the earliest opportunity.

                   Vehicle Security

            You must take care to avoid your vehicle being  stolen, broken into or tampered
            with. To ensure  vehicle security:

                •  Keep all doors locked when re-fuelling and while loading and unloading if
                    you are outside of the cab;
                •  Make sure the immobiliser/alarm is activated  where fitted.

            If you have a mobile, tablet or other valuable items of work equipment, do not leave them on
            view while  the vehicle is unattended. You may be liable for  the cost of replacing company
            equipment stolen  from the vehicle where this was not stored safely or securely.

            It is recommended that all valuables should be stored in a locked glove box where possible.

                   Planning Your Journey

            Planning your journey in advance will make it safer  and less stressful, especially where the
            drive is long  or on unfamiliar routes.

            If the journey is necessary, the following guidance applies:

                •  Be aware of the risks when driving if you feel tired  or unwell;
                •  Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

                •  Take time to check your vehicle is roadworthy by following the vehicle defect guidance
                    in this booklet;
                •  Do not overload your vehicle. Follow the  manufacturer’s guidelines and ensure all
                    loads are adequately secured prior to starting your journey;
                •  Plan  your  route  before  you  set  out,  estimate  how  long  the  journey  will  take,  and
                    schedule intended rest stops where needed. Leave plenty of time for the journey;

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