Page 9 - MRF Training TJ MRF Manual Version 5 22042024 final April 24_Neat
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T J O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 5
EcoOnline H&S Software
TJ use some cloud-based computer software called EcoOnline that is used to monitor the
company’s H&S performance in real time. This can be accessed on any TJ site where there is an
internet connection. It is used to hold all company documents, Report accidents and Near misses
that occur and allows the site foreman to check training history of all employees at any time.
Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work
A copy of all risk assessments and safe systems of work will be available at head office and all
remote sites in the weighbridge offices. As part of your induction you will be asked to read and
demonstrate your understanding of the risks and control measures identified. At any point please
feel free to ask questions and take the time you need to gain a thorough understanding of the risks
that you may face whilst carrying out your daily activities. The safe systems of work for the various
main machine types can also be found in this manual within the Safe Systems of Work section.
To carry out a Risk Assessment there are 5 steps to follow:
1. Identify the hazards
2. Identify who can be harmed and how?
3. Evaluate the risks and decide on any control measures
4. Record the findings and communicate them
5. Review the assessment regularly
Dynamic Risk Assessment
Understanding how to carry out a dynamic risk assessment has many benefits. It’s specifically
important that you know how to carry one out if you work in constantly varying environments. If
you can carry out a dynamic risk assessment, you will:
• Be able to take a proactive approach to safety. You will have the knowledge needed to
instantly assess risks and hazards of any new, variable situation.
• Feel confident in your ability to assess your environment. As you will have the
appropriate training needed to instantly observe, analyse and react risks and hazards in new
situations, you will feel confident making decisions that ensure the safety of you and your
• Feel more confident doing your job. By having the skills needed to do your job safely, you
will feel more confident entering new, unknown situations.
By understanding how to carry out a dynamic risk assessment, you will have the tools needed to
confidently assess any situation you encounter and ensure you and your team can work safely.
Risk is what it is, the situation may be dynamic but the risks, while transitory, are predictable from
experience. Risk is an evaluation of hazard and likelihood. The only thing that changes is whether
you are carrying out the assessment in advance or at the time.
When competent people consider dynamic situations - most of which they have had experience
of at some time - the risk they may face has a high degree of predictability.
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Reviewed April 2024