Page 11 - MRF Training TJ MRF Manual Version 5 22042024 final April 24_Neat
P. 11

T J   O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                                     V E R S I O N   5

          2.5.3  Right to refuse

          The "safe person" concept is central to dynamic risk assessment. Safety management normally
          relies on the safe place, safe equipment, safe systems of work and safe person idea; ensuring
          that collective control measures are in place to make the workplace safe. While safe places rely
          on design and physical controls, the safe person relies on human factors such as motivation,
          experience, competence, attitude and perception of risk.

          In an operational environment, the safe place can't always be guaranteed, and collective controls
          may not be feasible. So the focus shifts to the safe person, safe equipment and safe systems of

          Managers must be able to rely on workers in the field to do the right thing when new risk arises.
          To  develop  risk  control  strategies,  they  need  to  have  predicted  the  risk  (as  far  as  possible),
          developed competency standards, and trained staff in these standards. The individual must know
          the boundaries and behave safely by consistently applying agreed controls.

                Induction Process

          At TJ we take your safety very seriously and you will undergo a thorough induction that will include
          classroom time where you will be shown company documents policies and procedures relevant to the
          role you are about to undertake with the company. Please feel free to ask any questions at any time to
          clarify anything that you are unsure of. You will then be asked to shadow an experienced TJ driver and
          observe, again this is your opportunity to ask questions and learn from our experienced staff. Then it
          is time for you to drive with one of our driver trainers they will monitor you’re driving for the day and
          feed back to the Directors as to what will be your next steps. This could be that you are competent to
          continue on your own, or it could be that you need some further training in a certain area.

          Please work with us during this time as we want to ensure that you are safe to work on your own and
          are fully confident with the vehicle that you will be driving and operating.

          Please ask questions so that we can help you.

                Drugs and Alcohol Policy

          In order to avoid unsafe practices in the workplace, TJ has a strict policy on the consumption of
          alcohol during working hours and on the level of alcohol in the system of employees whilst working.
          The policy covers both being cautious about drinking prior to attending work and drinking during
          breaks on and off the premises.

          Employees are required to take reasonable care of themselves and others who could be affected
          by what they do.

          There should be no consumption of alcohol on or off the premises of the Company or its customers
          within working hours.

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                                                                                     Reviewed April 2024
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