Page 119 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 119

O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

                           The control tap should be tightly closed when the not in use.

                           Where equipment consists of a head connected by flexible tubing to the cylinder,

                           the  tubing  should  be  free  from  leaks  and  connections  should  be  mechanically
                           sound, gas tight and meet current regulations.
               24.11 Precautions - Grinding Wheels And Cutting Discs
               Before work commences the following precautions are to be carried out by the contractor and
                           That the operator is competent and qualified to operate the equipment.

                             The operator ensures that the correct type of disc or wheel is fitted and securely
                             fastened in accordance with the machine operating instructions.

                             Personal Protective safety equipment and clothing is worn at all times whilst the
                             equipment is in operation.

                             Sparks from the wheel or disc does not fall onto combustible material.

               24.12 Fire Safety
               Fire is a major threat to personal safety and the environment around us. All operatives and
               management must be prepared to deal with any fire safely. Fire extinguishers are located
               around the site and are identified on the Site plans in sections 20.7. These are under a service
               contract with a company who annually check all the extinguishers to ensure they are correctly
               charged  and  in  working  order.  All  operatives  must  be  familiar  with  the  fire  hoses,  fire
               extinguishers, fire notices, fire exits and assembly points.

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